Setting up safe and secure rigging for a crane lift is of the utmost importance; possibly more important than the operation of the crane itself. This course gives an overview of the primary rigging issues that affect crane and hoist safety. Workers will learn about the materials used for rigging and slings, the various sling hitches used, and basic safety precautions. It is based on OSHA General Industry and Construction regulations, as well as recognized best rigging practices. It is also aligned with the 2010 OSHA regulations that require riggers in the construction industry to be qualified.
Based on: Based on: OSHA 29 CFR 1910.184: Materials Handling and Storage � Slings OSHA 29 CFR 1910.179: Materials Handling and Storage � Overhead and gantry cranes ASME B30 standards �Rigging� � a book by James Headley of the Crane Institute of America
Crane and Hoist Rigging Safety - Copyright 2012. Run time: 20 minutes. Test time: 12 minutes. Total time: 32 minutes.