The Facts about Obesity in the United States

The United States is ranked as the 27th most obese country in the world; meaning over 65% of the population is overweight or obese. Being obese does not only reflect externally but internally as well. High blood pressure, Diabetes, and heart disease are just a few complications that can occur due to obesity alone. The best way to fight obesity is to get active and participate in physical activities. By doing so you will not only fight obesity but also build strong muscles and bones and release endorphins, which help reduce the feelings of depression and improve your ability to focus.

It is recommended for a person to be physically active at least 30-60 minutes a day, but only 1 out of 3 children are physically active every day and only 5% of adults get in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Worse yet, obesity has more than doubled since the 1970's.

How can I get more exercise...without the effort?

I know at times it may be a challenge to fit exercise into a busy life, but there are many different ways to introduce just a little exercise in your day with little effort. Here are a few tips to getting the recommended amount of physical activity in your schedule:

  • Instead of trying to dedicate a full hour, split it up: even just exercising for 15 minutes a day will help improve your health (and give you more energy!).
  • Be mindful of the small everyday decisions you make. When you're at the mall or heading to work, use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  • Set aside a couple days in your month to try a new sport or activity. Even just playing a couple games of frisbee at the park will help your body and spirit.
  • Make it a family or group activity! The more the merrier, right? If everyone is up for the challenge, turn the activity into healthy competition.
  • Use a measurable activity: something that shows you how much you've been improving. Try to walk faster or swim further each week.

I challenge you and your families to become more active on a daily basis so that you and the people you love can live a longer, healthier life!

*Don’t forget that both indoor and outdoor sports can be dangerous. There are first aid kits for sports available in case of emergencies.

For more information about obesity and physical health...

For more physical activity facts, visit the CDC's fact sheet and the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition.

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