May is National Stop the Bleed Month
STOP THE BLEED is a bleeding control program started by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security with the goal to reduce the number of American who die each year from excessive blood loss. National Stop the Bleed Month is a campaign to bring awareness to the public of this ongoing problem. Uncontrolled bleeding is a major cause of preventable deaths. The average time to bleed out is 2-5 minutes and the average time for a first responder to arrive on scene is 7-10 minutes. Knowing how to control bleeding from a serious injury is essential knowledge to help save lives.
Having a first aid kit available is always a good thing, but first aid kits are not designed to treat life-threatening bleeding. A bleeding control kit gives you the critical emergency resources you will need to save a life. A first aid kit addresses minor injuries like cuts, burns, or scrapes. They are not intended for life-threatening injuries. First aid kits typically contain simple band-aids, antibacterial wipes, burn creams, hydrogen peroxide, etc. A bleeding control kit on the other hand is designed to address life-threatening bleeding events like gunshots or stab wounds. Bleeding control kits typically contain tourniquets, medic tape, trauma shears, high grade gauze/bandaging, and more.
Here at CPR Savers & First Aid Supply, we have a variety of different bleeding kits available. One of our most popular kits is our CPR Savers EMS Trauma Kit. This is the best kit to include in a travel pack to assure safety while hiking, camping, fishing, or any other outdoor activity. All the contents are packaged in a resealable, waterproof bag to withstand any kind of weather that may occur. The contents of this kit include:
- 1 - Resealable Waterproof Bag
- 3 - Antiseptic Wipes
- 1 - 5" x 9" Combine Pad
- 1 - Triangular Bandage
- 1 - 2" x 2" Sterile Gauze Pad
- 1 - 4" x 4" Sterile Gauze Pad
- 1 - Red Biohazard Bag
- 1 - Tourniquet
- 2 - Gauze Rolls
- 1 - Duct Tape
- 1 - 2g Celox blood clotting powder
- 2 - Pairs of Nitrile Gloves
Find a Course
A great way to be involved in National Stop the Bleed Month is to find a bleeding control class near you. Taking a class will help you feel more prepared in a life threatening situation. Taking a course will also help you to understand how to use the different tools within a bleeding control kit. You can even take it one step further and become a certified STOP THE BLEED trainer so you can help others be prepared in a life threatening situation.
Take a look at the different Stop the Bleeding Kits we have in our inventory.
May is National STOP THE BLEED Month
May is National Stop the Bleed Month
May is our nation’s first ever National Stop the Bleed Month