National Nutrition Month is an annual campaign that was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics back in the 1970s. The main goal of National Nutrition Month is to educate people on the importance of having good nutrition and how to make informed food choices to develop healthy eating habits. Each year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has a main theme for the month where they highlight a certain aspect of nutrition. This year’s theme is Personalize Your Plate in an effort to promote creating nutritious meals to meet certain health and nutrition needs. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is also recommending people to begin to adjust their eating habits to reflect the nutritional needs of their bodies during all stages of life. Based on the new 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, there is a new recommendation for people that provides general advice to help people of all ages meet their dietary needs.
For people in their teens to 20s
The main goal is to build bone density by eating and drinking calcium-rich foods and beverages.
For people in their 20s-30s
The main goal is to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, Type 2 diabetes, or heart disease which can be accomplished by eating more dietary fiber like whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
For people in their 30s-40s
At this point in someone’s life they should continue to eat a variety of nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, peas, lentils so they can get the right amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber.
For people in their 40s-50s
At this point in someone’s life, they should be focusing on fine tuning their healthful eating habits and continue to incorporate regular physical activity as their bodies begin to change again. It is also a good tip to continue to focus on ways to limit foods and beverages that are high in added sugar, salt, or saturated fat.
For people 60+
For those who are over the age of 60, it is important to continue including a variety of protein-rich foods to maintain a healthy bone strength. It can also be helpful to incorporate strength-building activities to maintain muscle. Some really good sources of protein rich foods include: seafood, eggs, beans, tofu, and nuts. Animal-based proteins also provide vitamin B12 which is a common concern among older adults.
Some Realistic Ways to Start Eating Healthier This Month
Make sure to be drinking enough water throughout the day to help keep your cells hydrated. Instead of water, you can always try electrolyte additives; They can offer the same benefits as drinking 6 or more cups of water each day.
Taking some of your free time to plan out and prep meals for several days in advance is a huge benefit to the body. Take out food has so many saturated fats, sugars, and salt that it should only be considered an occasional treat.
Watch portion sizes, a handful of potato fries can have the same nutritional value as a bowl full of steamed vegetables. Which one might make you feel more satisfied without making you feel guilty?
Eating healthier starts with what you are careful about putting in your body. It takes a little more time and attention to focus on your health, but with the care you take in understanding your body needs it can amaze you.