It has been one hell of a year and as the summer starts to wind down we are all preparing to head back into the fall with some pretty tense plans for school coming up. While some are warily ready to see their kids head back to school, others plan for online education from home a little longer. Even after such a hectic and crazy year with school shutting down early and a long time trying to adjust to a new normal, now is a better time than ever to make sure the whole family is prepared for an emergency.
Emergency Contacts
CDC recommends that every child should be equipped with updated contact information so they know who to contact in case of an emergency. An emergency card can be placed in their backpack with their name, school, contact information, date of birth and any medical conditions such as allergies, as well as emergency contact information.
Know the way Home Dedicated places for school pick up ensures that you know exactly where your child will be when they are done with their day. If you have friends or family members that might share in the responsibility of picking up your kids make sure they know the dedicated pick up areas. If they walk or take the bus home, a printed map of their route and alternate routes is a great way to make sure they don't get lost on their way home. Make sure they know approved and unapproved ways home, and which neighbors to go to should home not be the primary location.
Communicate with your kids Be open with your kids about what worries you. Knowing and being aware of the dangers ahead can often better prepare us to handle the situation. Make sure who they know is safe to go to if they are scared, Family, Friends, and Neighbors. They should know what is safe at home and what can only be used under supervision, and you should know who your children are talking to, especially when it comes to online learning.
Covid 19 cannot stop the world from turning, and we will still continue to learn young and old. From a distance or in the classroom children will always need to grow and adapt. Hopefully these tips will help make the new school year a little safer. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, and Stay Strong.
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Back to School Preparedness Tips for Kids
Back to School Be Prepared
Photo by Joshua Eckstein on Unsplash