Tobacco: A Dangerous Addiction
Tobacco is not just one of the five main leading causes of death in the world today, but also a billion-dollar industry robbing the funds of society through addiction-based products. Cigarettes come in all different quantities, sizes, colors, prices, intensity, and flavors, but they all have the same negative affect on a user’s body—and budget.
The first step to quitting is accepting the fact that you want to be healthy and no longer fund your destruction. 18 of every 100 adults, 25–44 years old (meaning 17.7% of Americans) smoke cigarettes regularly throughout the week, and that’s not including international statistics. The British American Tobacco company has agreed to merge with big time U.S. tobacco company Reynolds American as of 01/17/2017, promising to become an $86 billion-dollar tobacco company that already has a standing reputation in the international market. Based upon the statistics and recent facts, we can now see room for much more profit, hence much more production, hence many more users, hence many more deaths.
What is Pulse Oximetry?
If you've been to the doctor recently, you can probably still recall the tiny device that the nurse clipped loosely onto the tip of your finger. You most likely didn't ask about it, but this cute, little clip—called a pulse oximeter—was reading your oxygen saturation levels, a metric used to determine how much oxygen is available in your blood. As a vital element that our organs need in order to keep working, low levels could indicate a serious issue—even a level below 92% can suggest hypoxia (deprivation of adequate oxygen).
2 Million Pounds of Chicken Recalled
Almost 2 million pounds of ready-to-eat chicken was recalled this month, expanding from the original November 23rd recall of 17,439 pounds. Although the recall is only a safety procedure, and it is not certain that the chicken is undercooked or contains dangerous bacteria, National Steak and Poultry urges everyone to take special precaution and either dispose of the food immedaitely or return it to the place of purchase.
All of the ready-to-eat packaged chicken was produced between August 20 and November 30 of this year. Check here for a complete list of all recalled chicken products, available on the US Food Safety and Inspection Service website.
Getting a Broken Bone to Heal Faster
Car accident, sports, or even just a bad fall. Dealing with a broken bone can be tough. Not only do you have to deal with the pain, but the disruption it causes to our school and work lives and freetime can be debilitating and downright depressing. Even just a minor leg fracture could take six to eight weeks to properly heal, and the older you are, the more time it may take.
There's no doubt that anyone who has suffered from a broken bone wants one thing more than anything else: to get fixed faster. Luckily, there are steps that you can take to make sure that your bone gets the proper nutrition and attention it needs to mend itself quickly, so that you can get back to living your action-filled life in comfort.
First Aid Care for Burns
You have likely heard of first-, second-, and third-degree burns, but you might not know how to recognize them, avoid them, and respond to them when necessary.
Dementia in Americans Over 65 Falls by 24%
Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe conditions in which loss of memory or thinking skills prevents a person from performing everyday tasks. Alzheimer's disease is the most common instance of dementia, but there are other diseases and conditions, including vitamin definciences, that can cause the symptoms of dementia.
Thanksgiving Safety Tips from American Red Cross
The day is almost here, and whether you are hosting or traveling this year, we want you to enjoy the holiday by staying safe with these Thanksgiving safety tips, courtesy of American Red Cross.
CPR Training: Head-Tilt/Chin-Lift vs. Jaw-Thrust Maneuvers
When performing CPR, it's tantamount that you be able to clear the person's airway to allow your rescue breaths to reach their lungs. The two most common methods for opening the airway are the head-tilt/chin-lift and jaw-thrust maneuvers. While the head-tilt/chin-lift is the preferred method, it can be dangerous to use on a patient who may have a cervical spine injury.
World Diabetes Day: Diabetes Facts and Stats
Today's Google logo might not seem as recognizable as some of the other ones you've seen, but it still symbolizes a very important day in the history of medical care: the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, the man who first developed insulin as a treatment for diabetes, earning a Nobel Prize in 1923, and becoming knighted by King George V in 1934. November 14th is also appropriately marked as World Diabetes Day, in the hopes of bringing awareness to the severity and seriousness of the common disease.
Kentucky Requires CPR Training for High School Graduates
According to the Mayo Clinic, for every three witnessed cardiac arrests that happen outside of a hospital, only one victim receives CPR from a bystander. The greatest reason bystanders are hesitent to help is because they aren't confident in their knowledge of CPR and fear hurting the person.
In an effort to bolster CPR and AED awareness, there has been a recent surge of states who have been passing new laws requiring high school graduates to take CPR training offered by the school. Kentucky has become the 35th state on the growing list.
Talk to Your Kids about the Harm of Smoking
Smoking causes new DNA mutations every year you smoke!
A new study that compared the genetic analysis results of 2,490 smokers and 1,063 respondents who never smoked a tobacco cigarette before found that for each year you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, 150 mutations are generated in each of your lung cells. Additionally, 97 mutations are produced in each cell of your larynx, 39 in each of your pharynx cells, 23 in your mouth cells, 18 in your bladder cells, and 6 in your liver cells.
But even knowing this, it is hard for people to quit. Hopefully we can help reduce the harmful effects smoking has on our society by stopping the habit before it begins by talking to our youth.
"Start the Beat" Petition Hopes to Raise Awareness of CPR and AED Training
"K.H." created a petition in late October asking the White House to launch a nation-wide campaign called "Start the Beat" in an effort to spread awareness of the seriousness of sudden cardiac arrest, the leading cause of death in the United States. Citing other national campaigns like "Stop, drop, and roll" and "Stop the bleed," K.H. hopes that "Start the Beat" will become common knowledge to citizens in the U.S.
At only 868 signatures so far, the Start the Beat petition needs more than 99,000 more signatures by November 20 to get a response from the White House. Sign the petition and help spread the word about heart health!
Flu Season Courtesy and Tips for Staying Healthy
It's the time of year that the flu starts to emerge from hiberation and slowly take over in schools, shopping malls, and the workplace. This might not sound like a big deal—you might miss a few days at work or your kids might miss some school—but while most people only come down with a mild illness, some people may develop complications like pneumonia and bronchitis, which could require hospitalization and even result in death. People at high risk (children younger than 5, adults older than 65, pregnant women, and those with chronic health problems) are particularly susceptible.
Even if you don't fall in any of these categories, you probably know someone who does, and it's part of your own responsibility to keep yourself healthy so that you don't spread the flu to the people you love!
TURN and TEST & House Fire Safety Tips
It's that unfortunate time of year that most of us need to remember to turn our clocks back one hour (and probably lose an hour of sleep because of it). The American Red Cross also suggests that this is a great opportunity to remember to also check your smoke alarms: TURN your clock back and TEST your fire alarms. Most smoke alarms can be tested by simply pushing a test button—definitely worth the time and effort when working fire alarms cut the risk of death in a house fire by half!
While you're at it, you can also prepare for home fires or emergencies in other ways as well, including planning your family escape plan and preparing an emergency/burn first aid kit.
Emergency Care for your Pet: CPR on Dog or Cat
They are often considered our best friends, but sometimes we aren't prepared to treat them in case of an accident or emergency. Today's lesson, on performing CPR on a dog or cat, will be the first article in our pet safety series.
Marking the end of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October, the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is coming to a close (Happy Halloween!) and we at CPR Savers wanted to remind everyone that while you enjoy your treat-filled holiday, you should keep in mind what else this month is about.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women (skin cancer being the first), and can even affect men. Last year, it was estimated that 290,000 women would be newly diagnosed with breast cancer and around 40,000 would die to the disease. If you haven't recently, it may be time to schedule an appointment with your doctor.
Organ Donation Facts
In 2015, a man named Christopher Dempsey learned that a co-worker's cousin was gravely ill and needed a liver transplant. He knew that if that was him or one of his own family members, he'd want someone to help, and decided he would get tested to see if he was a match. He was. He donated half of his liver to a complete stranger, and now—less than two years later—they have gotten married!
There are over 120,000 people living in the United States waiting for an organ transplant, and an average of 20 of them die each day waiting. Even if you're not ready to make the kind of sacrifice that Mr. Dempsey did, you may want to consider planning for the future.
One organ donor could save up to 8 lives and help heal more than 50.
Heart Attacks and Cardiovascular Health
A recent suvey conducted by Gallup-Healthways ranked almost 200 U.S. cities by the percent of residents who reported ever having a heart attack. Percentages range from a healthy 1.3% to a worrisome 8.8%. (Read the full post to see how your city ranked.)
Cardiovascular disease accounts for 34% of deaths in America, and common risk factors can dramatically increase the risk of disease, such as diabetes. However, studies show that even a little bit of effort can improve your heart health! Read more for some heart health tips.
Fireplace Safety Tips
You may have heard or read about the tragic house fire that killed the Speer family of 6 last week. It was later determined that the fire was caused by the living room fireplace.
As winter weather is starting to settle in for some of us, you might be thinking about waking your fireplace up from hibernation, so we thought it would be a good time to go over some tips to make sure that you use your fireplace properly and safely.
Halloween Safety Tips for You and Your Family
Halloween is supposed to be scary, but there are still ways to stay safe while enjoying the spirit of the holiday. You should be able to focus more on fun and treats on this special night, and not spend it worrying about your kids.
So be sure to follow these Halloween safety tips that we've put together for you so that you and your family can enjoy an extra safe Halloween this year!
As an extra bonus, we're spreading the word about the popular and growing Teal Pumpkin Project and what you can do to help every child get the most out of their Halloween night!
What are OSHA Compliant First Aid Kits?
If you're starting up a business, you have probably heard and know a little about OSHA, and maybe even the ANSI standard, but in case you have more questions, we'll be covering some of the basics today on OSHA compliant first aid kids and keeping your workspace safe and ready for emergencies.
What is OSHA?
As established in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets, regulates, and enforces certain standards to ensure that we can work in safe and healthy environments on the job. They also provide training, health education, and assistance when needed.
Marine and Boating Safety Tips
It’s incredibly important to understand the dangers of the water, whether you're a boating adept or it's your first time on the seas. In the news, we hear about boating accidents all the time; in one glance, anyone can be swept away by pounding waves, wind gales or even just a sharp turn. Although we can't prevent nature from taking its course, serious injuries and casualties can be avoided by taking proper precautions when navigating the sea, a lake, or the ocean tides.
So whatever the purpose for your marine adventure, be sure to follow these marine and boating safety tips.
Fitting Exercise into Your Day
The United States is ranked as the 27th most obese country in the world; meaning over 65% of the population is overweight or obese. Being obese does not only reflect externally but internally as well. High blood pressure, Diabetes, and heart disease are just a few complications that can occur due to obesity alone. The best way to fight obesity is to get active and participate in physical activities. By doing so you will not only fight obesity but also build strong muscles and bones and release endorphins, which help reduce the feelings of depression and improve your ability to focus.
Survival Kits - Prepare for an Emergency
OSHA ANSI First Aid Kit Revisions
ANSI Z308.1-2015 First Aid Kit Changes

OSHA (US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is the main federal agency charged with the enforcement of safety and health legislation. OSHA Regulations regarding first aid kits are contained in the Code of Federal Regulations under section 29 CFR 1910.151 and in Appendix A.
OSHA does not provide specifications for the first aid contents per se but defined mandatory requirements for availability of kits at it's worksites. In Appendix A of the OSHA guidelines, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) is referenced as the originator of first aid kit specifications and minimum content requirements.
Please click Read more to see a chart of all the changes.