CPR BPM and Songs to do CPR to

CPR BPM and Songs to do CPR to

When performing CPR chest compressions, the best way to maintain the optimal speed is to follow the beat of a popular song. If you have taken a CPR course or are ready for any tutorials on the subject, you’ve probably heard the Bee Gees Stayin’ Alive used as a popular example. It is a good example and an easy beat to follow. The song clocks in at a steady 104 beats per minute. CPR should always be performed at a pace between 100 and 120 beats per minute.

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Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is one of the most exciting nights of the year for kids. For many parents, however, the fun can be accompanied by stress and anxiety for the safety of their children. This year, we want to help by offering some easy and effective safety tips for Halloween that will make this holiday a fun-filled and safe Halloween for the entire family.

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Be Happy to Stay Healthy

Be Happy to Stay Healthy

Behavioral scientists have spent a lot of time studying what makes us happy. It is scientifically proven that happiness can predict health and longevity, and happiness scales can be used to measure social progress and the success of public policies.

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How to handle Fall Allergies

How to handle Fall Allergies

Fall is the season of new beginnings, but at the same time, it can also be the season of allergies. Though the fall foliage may be visually stunning, other things that come along with this season may leave you with itchy eyes, a runny nose, and a scratchy throat. Furthermore, the fall allergy season overlaps with the beginning of the cold and flu seasons, and with COVID-19 still going around it is important to identify what is, or is not, causing respiratory issues.

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What to do during a Hurricane

What to do during a Hurricane

How you react during a hurricane has a tremendous impact on how you and your house make it through the lashing winds and torrential rains. While we all hope that hurricanes cause all their havoc at sea, the fact is that hurricanes are bound to make landfall. What you do to prepare before, during, and after a hurricane can be the difference between life and death. The following safety tips are recommended because it increases the chances of the results being extremely positive.

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Fall Safety Tips

Fall Safety Tips

It’s that time of the year when Halloween decorations and costume line up on the store shelves, and the smell of pumpkin spice is in the air. However, there are also hazards that we need to be cautious about. But by following these fall safety tips, you can still enjoy everything you love about this time of the year.

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Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is common among college students. Students believe that drugs will relieve their stress and give them the peace they need. However, drugs make things exponentially worse by causing more physical, mental, and social problems. According to a USA Today Study, about half of the nation’s 5.4 million college students admit to binge drinking or taking drugs at least once per month. Furthermore, according to 2019 Monitoring the Future survey. College students have the highest marijuana and illicit drug use, such as amphetamines, cocaine, hallucinogens, and MDMA. The common causes of substance abuse among college students include:

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Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is making Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in September by highlighting the increase in the number of children diagnosed with cancer. According to the IARC in 2020, almost 280,000 children and adolescents were diagnosed with cancer worldwide and almost 110,000 children died from cancer.
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How many hours of sleep is considered as healthy?

How many hours of sleep is considered as healthy?

Conventional wisdom has told us that eight hours of sleep is necessary for the body and mind to properly function.

Is this a myth or a fact? And why eight hours why not 9 hours or 7 hours of sleep?

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Labor Day Weekend Safety Practices

Labor Day Weekend Safety Practices

As the Labor Day weekend comes up folks will be spending their weekends traveling, having their first picnic, or enjoying taking a swim in the ocean or pool. As much as it is important to have fun it is also equally important to stay safe and practice safety rules as well. Follow these tips to stay safe and relish everything the long weekend has to offer.

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Back to Healthy Habits

Back to Healthy Habits

 As summer comes to an end, children are getting ready to trade in their beach bags for school bags. Parents, caregivers, and school staff will be busy preparing for a safe school term. For parents, this is an
            ideal opportunity to gather items that are essential for keeping their children healthy.
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Disaster Response - Phase II of Emergency Management

Disaster Response - Phase II of Emergency Management

Disasters are devastating and can often leave people in hopeless situations. With today’s growing technology these disasters can be predicted and with proper planning can be mitigated. However, there are times when
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Drowning Impact Awareness

Drowning Impact Awareness

Drowning Impact Awareness is the largest collaborative water safety effort in the State of Arizona.
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Children’s Eye Health and Safety

Children’s Eye Health and Safety

The month of August is observed as Children’s eye health and safety month. Here at CPR Savers, we value children’s health more than anything else. According to statistics, one out of 20 children between the ages of
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World Lung Cancer Day

World Lung Cancer Day

Today, August 1st, is World Lung Cancer day, and CPR Savers would like to bring awareness to the issue. Despite it being on the decline since 2005, lung cancer is still the leading cause of death due to cancer in both men and women. Roughly 154,000
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Back to School Safety

Back to School Safety

Summer is starting to come to a close. As your little ones head back to school have you thought of all the safety concerns they may face while away from the house? Here are some important tips to teach your children as school kicks back into gear.
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Introducing PRESTAN’s NEW Infant Ultralite Manikin

Introducing PRESTAN’s NEW Infant Ultralite Manikin

As of today, Monday July 18th, PRESTAN has officially launched their brand new Infant Ultralite Manikin. This manikin comes birthed from the Adult Ultralite Manikin from PRESTAN. It is compact, portable, and lightweight to carry making it easy to set up, use, and clean.
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Diet and Its Effects on Health

Diet and Its Effects on Health

Your diet is the number one contributing factor to your health and well-being. While it may not be the end all be all, it is the foundation for a happy, healthy, and vibrant life. There are many common misconceptions about diet including what foods are bad/good for you, what diet can do for you physically and mentally, and in what quantities things are good. Here we will break down these misconceptions and outline the basics of a healthy diet.
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A Short Guide to Self-care

A Short Guide to Self-care

Stress is a normal part of our everyday lives. Something that might be stressful for one person might not be stressful for another. How you react to it can lead to a variety of mental and physical health problems.
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Celebrate National Great Outdoors Month Safely

Celebrate National Great Outdoors Month Safely

June is National Great Outdoors Month, reminding us to get out and celebrate nature while also staying safe in the summer heat. There’s so much in this world to explore, but before heading out you’ll want to make sure you have everything you need to keep yourself safe from the sun.
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Surviving a Disaster

Surviving a Disaster

An emergency kit is something that seems useless and foolish up until the day the flood comes. There are roughly 6,800 natural disasters that occur yearly worldwide. Often these kits can get you and your loved ones safely out of tough circumstances.
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National Safety Month – First Aid

National Safety Month – First Aid

June is National Safety Month, and as a result, CPR Savers feels it is important to discuss the importance of first aid. Being prepared with a proper first aid kit and training can mean the difference between life and death for you or someone you
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A New PRESTAN Product Can Save Women's Lives

A New PRESTAN Product Can Save Women's Lives

When someone suffers from sudden cardiac arrest and needs CPR, every second is crucial. Resuscitating a person suffering from cardiac arrest within 5 minutes can double or triple their chances of survival. Unfortunately, people often hesitate to perform CPR on women due to fears and misconceptions. This means that women have a lower chance of survival when suffering a sudden cardiac arrest.
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An EpiPen can save your life. Do you know how to use it?

An EpiPen can save your life. Do you know how to use it?

An EpiPen can be the difference between life and death for many individuals that have extreme allergies. The EpiPen, as it is commonly referred to, is a brand name for an auto-injectable device responsible for delivering a drug known as epinephrine.
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National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

Spring has just started, and with blooming flowers and warmer days comes runny noses and asthma flare-ups. Roughly 65 million Americans suffer from asthma or allergies and this season is the toughest for most if not all. As a result, May has been designated as National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA).
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