Breast Cancer Awareness
The PRESTAN TAKE2 - Start Your Career In CPR Training
The PRESTAN® Adult Professional CPR-AED Manikins will now have open nose holes.
Are You Prepared For An Emergency?
Are you prepared for an emergency? According to the Ad Council, "69% of Americans have not made an emergency plan, and are not prepared." Emergencies can happen anywhere at any time, and being prepared is essential. You can't stop a disaster from happening, but you can prepare for one.
Need an AED? Check out our newest addition!
Need an AED? Check out our newest addition! Our most tech-savvy AED yet! Our LifePak CR2 Defibrillator is everything you need at the touch of your fingers. One of the many features is ClearVoice technology. This lets the AED automatically adjust the volume level on its own depending on the surrounding environment. Whether it is noisy or quiet, you can clearly hear the instructions that are being given by the AED. This life saving technology needs no extra pads! The LifePak CR2 comes with 2 modes, Adult and Child. The Child setting lowers the energy levels for children without needing to change electrodes. This AED has 18 different languages installed. With both full and semi automatic options available, this AED also comes installed with an EMS LifeLink System, alerting the EMS when the device is being used.
Are You Prepared For The Harsh Winter?
Walking at night: Are you Safe?
Window Breakers Save Lifes
Every year during the summer months, children and animals are susceptible to Vehicular Heat Stroke with the peak being in July. Statistics show that since 1998, 834 children have died from a heatstroke due to being left in a car. According to NoHeatstroke in 2018 alone, 53 children died, leading the deadliest year on national record.
The NEW Prestan TAKE2 has what you need to start your career in CPR Training
The NEW exclusive Prestan TAKE2 CPR Training Kit is now available from CPR-Savers!
The Prestan Ultralite Classroom package has arrived
Introducing The Prestan® Ultralite Manikin 12-Pack.
Prestan's most portable manikin, the Ultralite Manikin is now available in an ULTRA-CONVENIENT 12-PACK!
Are You Prepared For an Earthquake?
What's Faster Than an Ambulance? An AED in the Sky
When you think of drone delivery, you probably think of getting a package delivered at your front door by some futuristic Amazon robot that saves everyone time and money. It might even become the standard for package delivery in the not-too-distant future. But for now, drones could serve a much different purpose. A new study from Drone Delivery Canada tested emergency calls to see if their unmanned aircraft, the “DDC Sparrow Drone” would be able to outpace a traditional ambulance delivery.
Why Music Helps Us Exercise
Do you like listening to music while working out? Maybe it’s to keep your mind off the daily grind or just something to help pass the time on the treadmill. As it turns out, music actually helps you work out. A new study has concluded that all people—whether they’re normally active or inactive—can benefit from listening to music while they exercise.
Want to Feel Better? Spend More Time Outside
Sometimes, life can feel stale, boring, or even depressing. Do you ever go outside to get some fresh air and come back feeling refreshed, energized, or just “better?” Research published in Scientific Reports found that people who spend at least 120 minutes in nature a week are significantly more likely to report good health and higher psychological well-being than those who don't visit nature at all during an average week.
CPR and AED Awareness Week
Did you know that you can save a life? June 1-7 is National CPR and AED Awareness Week, which helps remind people that every second counts in a cardiac arrest situation, and people can save lives by knowing how to properly perform CPR and operate an AED.
Are You Prepared for Tornadoes?
For two weeks, tornadoes have ravaged the nation. Weather officials logged at least 8 tornado reports per day across the U.S. on each of the last 13 days. 7 people have died in the past week due to tornadoes in Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma and Ohio, and 38 people have died in tornadoes in the U.S. so far this year. Tornado reports have exploded recently after several years of low activity. As of Friday, the Storm Prediction Center has reported 1,008 tornadoes so far in 2019.
Tips to Stay Safe This Summer
Summer is almost here! Whether your calendar is jam-packed, or you’re taking a relaxing vacation, summer is a time of outdoor fun and excitement. Summer also means higher temperatures and even heat waves, which puts a premium on staying cool. Our friends over at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have come out with a list of tips for a healthier and happier summer.
Would You Go to a Robot Doctor?
We use digital technology every day for getting across town, checking the latest news, and communicating with people around the world. But would you trust a machine—not a human doctor—to diagnose a serious health condition? A lot of people are saying "yes."
Putting AEDs on Sports Fields
Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death for young athletes. In fact, every 3 days a young athlete in the United States dies from sudden cardiac arrest. Even healthy, seemingly low-risk youth can experience this when performing strenuous activities. And the likelihood only increases with age: Spectators at sporting events are also more likely to need medical assistance related to heart problems.
The Measles Outbreak
2019 is set to be the worst year for measles in the U.S. since the year 2000, when the disease was thought to be eliminated. As of April 19, at least 626 individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 22 states, with numbers expected to quickly surpass the previous yearly record of 667 in 2014.
New Guidelines on Digital Health Technology
According to the United Nations, 51% of the world now has access to broadband internet service. What does that mean for healthcare? This week, after 2 years of research, the World Health Organization (WHO) released their first ever recommendations on digital health technology.
Telephone CPR Saves Lives, But Will Lawmakers Agree?
People don’t dial 911 when things are going well. There’s an immediate need—typically one that requires a high degree of knowledge and clarity; and you expect the voice on the other end to have all the skills and tools to help you. But as it turns out, that’s not always the case.
How to Prepare for an Emergency
When it comes to emergencies, being prepared means being equipped. It is essential to have all the resources you need for an emergency, but it’s not always easy to figure out what sorts of things you might need. When deciding how to prepare, remember that your survival gear should meet several criteria.
10 Fun Activities for Spring
Spring has sprung! This week marks the beginning of the end of cold weather (we hope) and the start of a fresh new season. Spring is for rejuvenation, a time to enjoy the pleasant outdoors and bask in the flurry of plant growth and renewal. There are so many ways to enjoy the weather this time of year. To get you started, here are 10 fun and simple ways to enjoy the springtime.
Are Some Days 'Unluckier' Than Others?
Have you ever woken up and just knew it was going to be a bad day? You might even think there are specific days on the calendar when bad things are more likely to happen. Not to frighten you, but today is March 15th, known by historians and literary fans as the Ides of March—possibly one of the most infamous "unlucky" days of all time.
Daylight Savings Time is Bad for Your Heart
Daylight Savings Time—three words guaranteed to elicit a few sighs and eye-rolls. I'm sure you've wondered, "How is this still a thing?" There are many questions about why we continue to participate in this time-honored tradition, but Daylight Savings Time is worth discussing because of what it does to our bodies; and most importantly, our hearts.