How a Tsunami Works
Two massive earthquakes hit Alaska Friday morning, triggering tsunami warnings that urged many residents to seek higher ground. Tsunamis don’t often get much national media attention or explanation in the United States where hurricanes and tornadoes are the more common form of natural disaster. But on days like today, it's helpful to know your science. So what is a tsunami, what causes it, and most importantly what happens when it hits land?
Thanksgiving Travel Tips
What are your plans for Thanksgiving? If you're travelling, you're in good company. AAA projects that over 54 million Americans will journey 50 miles or more away from home this Thanksgiving, a 4.8% increase over last year. And all those travelers have at least one thing to be thankful for this holiday season: low gas prices. The price for a gallon of gas has plummeted to $2.68 nationwide due to a significant drop in oil prices.
It's a doggy dog world these days with hard working canines around every corner. Just like humans, a dog can put too much strain on its body from over exertion or even just choke from eating too quickly. While there are distinct roles in a pet-owner relationship, there are unique responsibilities for a dog owner. While no law requires you to know basic life support, it's still something to take seriously. That's why we here at CPR Savers wanted to take the time to talk about the importance of CPR training for animals.
Should You Use Ice or Heat for an Injury?
Life fact: Everyone gets hurt sometimes. It can be anything from a turned ankle to a stiff lower back--and of course these pesky injuries always pop up when you least expect them. Ice and heat are both commonly used to treat injuries. But did you know that if you use the wrong one, you can actually make your situation worse? To find out the right way to treat an injury, let's take a look at the effectiveness of both methods and when you should use them.
Why to Adopt a Senior Pet
Speaking from experience, I know that getting a new pet is very exciting. It's adding a new member to the family, who wouldn't be thrilled about that? And if you take home a little puppy or kitten you'll have your own pet to raise from birth. There is a lot to consider when picking a furry friend to adopt, especially if this will be the first pet in the household. Here's why choosing a senior dog or cat may be the absolute best thing you can do.