CPR Savers Emergency Pressure Bandage (4" x 5") - Item: CPRS-BAND-4
Posted by Paul on 2/23/2018 to
Emergency Care
Stop the Shock
Posted by Lauren on 2/23/2018 to
Physical Health
Allergic reactions, though typically minimal and regarded as mildly annoying, can sometimes be much more dangerous and frightening. The goal of this article is to provide you with some tips that can help you be prepared when someone's allergic reaction isn't so mild.
AHA Releases Latest Statistics on Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Posted by Leah on 2/16/2018 to
Physical Health
According to the American Heart Association’s newly released “Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2018 Update”, there are more than 350,000 "Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests" (OHCA) annually in the U.S., nearly 90% of them fatal, . Affecting an estimated 356,461 people of any age .
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