Semper Paratus

Yesterday, we all awoke to the news of the attacks in Brussels, Belgium. While I was greatly saddened and my heart was burden for the victims and their families, I was also encouraged as the photos of first responders and trained CPR/AED laypersons assisting victims and saving lives. The actions of such a few deluded individuals led to the destruction of many, but the actions of the few well-trained, dauntless medical professionals and laypersons, saved many lives.

What if this happened in your city? Are you as prepared as you should or could be? I don’t believe we should live in the spirit of fear, but shouldn’t we be ready for any emergency? Semper Paratus! Please click Read More for tips regarding maintaining your CPR/AED Certification and your equipment!

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National Kidney Day

We would like to thank the National Kidney Foundation for the use of this fun, informative video on Your Kidneys and You.

Thursday, March 10th is National Kidney Day. Are you one of the 28 million un-diagnosed Americans with chronic Kidney Disease? Many times people in the health care field are the last to be tested. Schedule a urine and blood test with your primary care physician, and take charge of your health.

Do you have a healthy set of kidneys? Have you considered donating one to someone in need?  100,791 people are currently on the kidney transplant list (1.11.2016) as reported by the National Kidney Registry. Click Read More for more Information on kidney donation.

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What is your Flu IQ?

What constitutes a flu season? When levels of influenza-like-illnesses (ILI), hospitalization and death rates rise and stay elevated it is officially flu season. The Influenza Surveillance Report released by the CDC for the week of February 20, illustrates a widespread epidemic of the influenza virus in more than 24 states, up 54% from the previous week.

As you know, the number one defense against the flu is the flu vaccine followed by a strict hand-washing protocol. The recommended hand-washing time is 20 seconds or about the length of time, it takes to sing “Happy Birthday”.

Test your knowledge of influenza symptoms, causes and cures, Click Read more to take The CDC Flu IQ quiz!

Make sure you are prepared for the flu season to help keep you and your family healthy.

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