Chemicals & Hazardous Waste Spills

Chemicals & Hazardous Waste Spills

With the current pandemic going strong and cleaning products still disappearing from shelves everywhere, now is a good time to go over common chemical hazards. Anything from spills to accidental mixtures and improper storage can create dangerous situations if proper precautions are not taken. Products like bleach and ammonia, although commonplace in households, are not only dangerous for the human body on their own but are fatal if combined.
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Respond and control a bleeding incident.

Respond and control a bleeding incident.

“No matter how rapid the arrival of professional emergency responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene.” Victims of disasters such as the Boston Marathon and the earthquakes in Haiti often rely on people in their immediate vicinity for aid in the vital moments immediately after trauma.
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Funding and the CARES Act

Funding and the CARES Act

Most people wouldn’t think of school right in the middle of summer, but with the pandemic still going strong, a lot of things have changed and we have an uncertain future ahead of us. To assist in the ongoing efforts to get back on track to normal, the US Department of Education has authorized aid for higher education institutes as part of the CARES Act.
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