Medical Bags and Other Gear
CPR Savers & First Aid Supply is proud to supply the best quality medical bags and gear on the market. Our inventory contains a variety of bags and gear designed for firefighters, EMTs, first responders, midwives, and more! Our bags are made with quality materials that are durable and long-lasting, so they serve you for as long as you are serving the community. Some of our most popular brands include MERET, Iron Duck, Statpacks, and Kemp.
Not only do we offer the medical bags individually, but we also offer fully stocked first responder kits that contain basic supplies needed by any first responder, firefighter, or EMT. These kits often include various types of bandages, blood stoppers, non-aspirin and aspirin, burn gel, wipes, gloves, gauze dressings, antiseptic sprays, cold compresses, eye wash, and much more! Take a look below at the different bags, gear, and kits we have to offer!