The Quantum Blood and Fluid Warming System from LifeWarmer is a Game-Changing innovation that has succeeded in closing a critical capability gap previously left exposed by other commercial off-the-shelf fluid warmers currently fielded. Size, weight, performance, and ease of use are no longer collective barriers to the delivery of whole blood in far forward and near point of injury (POI) prehospital casualty management.
he Quantum exceeds all healthcare and logistical requirements for the delivery of warmed blood or fluids across the defined spectrum of care. The system consists of unique thermal administration sets that incorporate sensing elements with an integrated heating system that does not disrupt the fluid path. With advanced intelligence throughout the system, the lightweight Controller modulates and moderates the energy flow to the integrated heating elements to ensure consistent normothermic fluid delivery to the casualty.
The 44V battery is the smallest in category, able to rapidly adjust power distribution based on the temperature and flow rate of the input fluid. This creates a highly efficient system capable of previously unrealized performance optimizations.
Specifications: Quantum Operating Parameters