Handpainted in contrasting colors to accentuate subtle features, this anatomically correct resilient vinyl replica splits into halves to access its hollow interior, convoluted rugae and pyloric valve. External details include the gastric artery, gastric nerve plexus, and dissections of the anterior stomach wall, at progressive depths, exposing its three muscular layers.
Extra value feature: the detachable molded display base incorporates the proximal portion of the duodenum, sectioned open, demonstrating its relationship to the stomach. The accompanying key identifies 17 features which have been hand numbered on the model.
Autographed Anatomy Models
The only models in the world which are personally autographed and dated by their handcrafter! 100% American-made, made every step in the production of every autographed anatomy model - molding, hand sanding, hand painting, number-coding, labeling and autographing - is carried out at the DGi Skokie factory.
4" x 6" x 7" (11cm x 14cm x 18cm)