The black plague has returned! Well, it never really left, but now it has reached the United States. In recent news, scientists have found that the Yersinia pestis (bacteria that causes the bubonic plague) are being carried throughout the west coast on its age-old companion, the flea. If that wasn’t bad enough, there are dead prairie dogs and rats growing by numbers every day. If this doesn’t sound like history repeating itself, then you’ll need to refresh your knowledge of the Dark Ages. It always starts in the rodents and then spreads to the bigger animals, and eventually, mankind.

Earlier this year, there was 3 confirmed cases of humans having contacted the plague already, which sparked the study of creatures in the area. The increase in rodent deaths in the Midwestern areas rang clearly as a ghost from the past, tipping off experts as to where they’d be able to locate the unseen killer. Now while this all seems too familiar to the tragedy known in history as “The Black Death” or “The Dark Ages”, you may rest assured that with the medical advances made in the last 700 years, the plague is rarely fatal unless untreated. However, this does not make it any less of a nuisance to contract in the first place. So here are some tips for avoiding getting this hellacious infection inside of you or your loved ones:

  • Keep it clean! Rodents like to nest in trash, brush, rock piles, etc. Make sure your home interior and exterior stay as well kempt as possible to avoid attracted they unwanted house guest or their dreaded hitch hiker fleas. Also practicing regular bathing after being outside and exposed would be a good practice as well.
  • Repel, repel, repel! Insect repellant with high DEET content (found on our website) can be your best friend, especially if you are a regular sports player or just have an affinity for the outdoors. If you aren’t avoiding grassy areas all together, be sure to apply some repellant before leaving the house and before engaging in potentially earthy activities.
  • Don’t go in bare handed! Be cautious if you locate a deceased rodent in your wake. Absolutely do not handle the disposal of a carcass unless you are equipped with disposable gloves (Also on our website) that should be thrown away immediately after performing a clean-up.
  • Save the animals! Stop by your local pet shop and pick up your essentials for pet care and protection such as a flea collar. If you live in an area experiencing signs of an epidemic, free roaming animals should be watched with a close eye for signs of sickness. If you animal seems like it may have contracted the virus, seeks professional treatment for them immediately! BUT DON’T FORGET YOUR GLOVES AND REPELLENT!
  • Last, but certainly not least, see your doctor for regular check-ups. While the doctor’s office may not be the most thrilling part of your day, when it comes to the bubonic plague, the sooner they catch it, the easier it is to treat. This disease can get just as out of hand as the 14th century if people don’t take advantage of the medical care that we now have available.

The old saying is “history repeats itself” but it doesn’t mean we can’t change the results. While words like “death” and “plague” may sound scary, these days, we are a little bit better prepared to deal with the formidable bacteria Yersinia pestis. Spreading awareness and not sickness is the key to our success in hopefully one day ridding the entire human race of this terrible ailment. Do your part in keeping yourself and those close to you safe. For more information and education, check out the links below. For quality product that will help prevent future health complications, check out our website.

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