Do you, or anyone you know suffer from seizures? It is an unpleasant experience for both the victim and anyone who witnesses it, and a lot of people are caught off guard by the event. A sudden and uncontrolled disturbance in the brain will cause changes in your behavior, movements, or feelings, and your level of consciousness in the moment will suffer. Seizures are sudden, and they’re unpredictable in how long they last and how serious they are. A seizure can happen just once or they can occur repeatedly. If you suffer multiple seizures, you are likely to have epilepsy or potentially another seizure disorder.
Seizure Symptoms
First aid care for seizures is aimed at keeping the person safe until the seizure stops on its own. If you are tasked with caring for someone suffering from a seizure make sure to stay calm and loosen anything around that person's neck. Do not restrain them or put anything in their mouth. Make sure to clear the area around them, and stay with them until they recover from the seizure.
If the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, the person has another seizure immediately afterwards, is not breathing and can’t wake up, or has another medical condition, make sure to call 911 immediately.
Seizure Symptoms Causes
Understanding Seizure Basics
First Sid for Seizures
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash