Your child could have diabetes and you don't even know it! A recent study released by The New England Journal of Medicine indicates a rise in diabetes type 1 and 2 that is afflicting the youth of America (ages 0-19). While the study was focused on the data provided from diagnosis done in 2002-2012, it is the first study done for pointing out a trend in the increase of this condition. The results are quite unsettling, to say the least. It is estimated that 11,245 youths are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (0 to 19 years of age), and approximately 2,846 (aged 10-19) are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Overall, the relative annual increase in the occurrence of type 1 diabetes was 1.8%, whereas type 2 diabetes was a 4.8% increase. According to the CDC type 2 diabetes has become more and more prevalent in the youth today. Therefore, it is not only a good idea, but almost imperative that more health facilities do everything they can to spread the knowledge and awareness of diabetes. Luckily CPR Savers has the perfect product for such a mission, the Diabetes Mellitus Display.
While normal posters everywhere in a doctor’s office may get overwhelming and be often overlooked, this product is still a great asset to have on the wall. With its 3-D display, it will literally pop out at anyone, and stand out amongst all the mundane informational diagrams. This product has vital information for those who are not aware of the serious nature of diabetes. It provides an outline of early signs and symptoms of diabetes, and models of vital organs that may be affected for untreated diabetics. It also includes a 4-page booklet that goes into greater detail for someone who may have been newly diagnosed, or just want the education. Not to mention, this display is only 12" X 9", so wall space won't be a concern. Currently, the price for this is set at $142.50, however, the quality greatly over weighs the price and is an amazing investment towards the hopes of improving education information with familiarity on the disease. Hand painted and sturdy, our Diabetes Mellitus Display will certainly be an addition to the office that will be hanging around for a while (pun intended).
Often, all it takes is a picture to provoke thought. If a patient is shown the results on the effects of chronic diabetes, they'll be more inclined to ask and follow up with making sure they, and their loved ones are more conscientious. This shocking trend may show an increase now, but with proper tools and techniques, the US may stand a chance in reducing the numbers. The cause of the increase is still technically a mystery, but that is only from lack of concern and urgency. Do your part to keep the momentum of people empowering themselves to seek diagnosis and begin treatment. Get your 3-D Diabetes Display today! For more information on this product, or to check out our other products, visit our website at