Last week, we did an overview of Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) that went over the basics of what they were and how they operated. Though not much time was dedicated to the manufacturers of these life-saving devices. These FDA-approved manufacturers are Cardiac Science Corporation, DefibTech, HeartSine Technologies, Philips Medical Systems, Physio-Control, and ZOLL Medical Corporation. All AEDs in the USA are manufactured by one of these 6 corporations, and each one stands out in a unique way. All AEDs, regardless of manufacture, can deliver shocks and monitor vitals. How these products differ is in their usability, reliability, and durability. Today, we’ll investigate DefibTech and their Lifeline series of AEDs.
Durability — At first glance of the yellow and black design, it’s easy to tell that these DefibTech Lifeline AEDs are meant to be durable. They have a ruggedized design with ample texturing of rubber around the bottom corners, tested to the US Military’s “drop and shock” specifications. A large handle with a rubber grip means anyone can grasp this AED and carry it to the patient. The pads are easy to pull free from the AED with the aid of a tab, and the buttons are oversized and backlit to allow anyone to operate this device, regardless of their nervousness or the lighting situation. All these designs features point towards this AED being perfect for individuals or groups that are either on the move or in less-than-ideal environments.
Reliability — What good is an AED’s durability if it also isn’t reliable? The DefibTech Lifeline AED is meant to be one of the more reliable devices on the market. This AED goes through comprehensive quality testing before they’re sent out into the open market, minimizing the chance of a defective AED. Once they are activated, many of the Lifeline AEDs also include self-check software. They test the pads, battery, and software to ensure they are always ready in the event of an emergency. Most of these AEDs are rated to last 5 to 7 years at a minimum. Finally, the simple design of this AED means anyone will have a much easier time using their device. According to their reports, they are the top AED in terms of time to deliver the first shock. When the first shock must be delivered within the first 3 minutes, that statistic is paramount.
The DefibTech Lifeline AEDs are durable and reliable life-saving devices. For a device meant to be handled by anyone and everyone, you should have a device that can withstand drops, fumbles, and improper handling. With self-check software and a simplistic design, we’re confident to say that the Lifeline series is efficient at its job and a recommended product for those looking for a durable and reliable Automatic External Defibrillator.
Food and Drug AdministrationDefibTech's website
Red Cross on using an AED and what it is