Memorial Day 2021
As Memorial Day weekend approaches, cities and towns across the United States prepare to host Memorial Day Parades and other events to honor the brave men and women who defended our country with their lives. We take this day to appreciate all the sacrifices that have been made to obtain the level of freedom we have in this country. In order for us to really understand why we celebrate Memorial Day we will need to freshen up on some U.S. history.
The Civil War was one of the biggest wars in U.S. history that claimed more lives than any other conflict the U.S. was involved in. On May 30th 1868, General John A. Logan called for a nationwide day of remembrance, originally called Decoration Day, to honor all the lives that have been lost in the Civil War. As time went on, the U.S. got involved in many other wars and conflicts which caused Decoration Day to become more than just honoring the lives lost in the Civil War, but to honor all the military personnel who gave their lives for this country. Decoration Day eventually became known as Memorial Day and was still observed on May 30th until 1968 when congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. This established Memorial day as the last Monday in May to create a three-day weekend for federal employees. This change went into full effect in 1971 and was also when Memorial Day was declared a federal holiday.
The year is now 2021 and we continue to look back on our American History and pay tribute to those who helped build the foundation of this country. Many of us look forward to Memorial Day or Memorial Day weekend for our own reasons. Some might look forward to the crazy sales, the barbecues, or the vacations but let us not forget the true reason we celebrate this holiday. We use this day as a day of remembrance for those who fought for our rights. Here is a list of a few activities you and your family can do to celebrate Memorial Day:
- Shop at Veteran Owned Businesses
- Watch the Memorial Day concert on Sunday May 30th at 8pm
- Take a virtual tour of the White House
- Listen to veterans’ stories
- Craft your own red poppies to show signs of remembrance
- Learn more about our American History
- Fly an American flag outside your home
- Take a moment of silence
- Attend a Memorial Day parade
- Watch a patriotic movie
- Donate flowers to soldiers’ graves
Memorial Day in USA in 2021
22 Memorial Day Activities to remind the Whole Family What the Holiday is Really About
Photo by Valentino Fughi on Unsplash