The Importance of an AED and Where to Place Them
Data from the American Heart Association’s Heart & Stroke Statistics show there are more than 356,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests annually in the U.S. and nearly 90% are fatal. According to the research done by the National Safety Council, if there was an increase to the access of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), then it could potentially save as many as 40,000 lives each year. To aid in decreasing the fatality of cardiac arrest, many states in the U.S. that have mandated AEDs in public buildings but private companies have been slower to adapt this concept to their own facilities. Cardiac arrest can occur suddenly and without any warning which is why OSHA encourages employers to provide AEDs in the workplace and other public places. Having AEDs installed in the workplace can bring peace of mind to the employees and the employers by providing life saving abilities to people with no training.
What are AEDs?
AEDs are Automated External Defibrillators that check and monitor heart rhythm and can send electrical shocks to the heart to regain normal rhythm. AEDs are portable devices that are commonly used to treat sudden cardiac arrest. Within the first few minutes after the cardiac arrest takes place, an automated external defibrillator can be used to check the victim’s heart rate and can notify the user if an electrical shock is needed for the victim to recover normal rhythm.
Who can operate an AED?
The convenient thing about AEDs is that there is no special training required to operate one. Most AEDs have very easy to follow instructions and some even talk you through the steps on how to use them. There should be nothing scary or intimidating about using an AED. They were designed to be used in an emergency by pretty much anyone to increase the survival chances of a victim experiencing cardiac arrest. If you still have a fear or you have concerns about operating one then the best thing you can do is receive training on how to properly use one so if you were ever put in an emergency cardiac arrest situation you are prepared.
Common Public Places that are often AED Locations
- The Gym- Although the gym is a great place to work out and get healthy, it can often be a place of physical excursion that can lead to a cardiac emergency. The likelihood of a cardiac emergency increases if someone is overly excursting themselves to the point where they go into cardiac arrest. Having an AED available can increase the likelihood of that person’s survival and recovery.
- Office Buildings- No matter if it is a small office building or a large office building, there should be an AED. Some larger office buildings will have one AED on each floor but for other office buildings, one is enough for the whole office.
- Local Cafes- The incoming and outgoing traffic in local cafes can be high depending on how popular the cafe is. With such a large number of people coming in and out the likelihood of someone going into cardiac can increase. Caffeine can also have an influence on the heart especially if consumed excessively or consumed by someone with pre-existing heart conditions.
- Sports Arena/ Recreational Facilities- Sport arena and recreational facilities often have a large number of spectators and athletes in the facility at once. Depending on the sport, athletes may push their bodies too hard and can cause unexpected cardiac problems. Spectators of all different ages can also be at risk of cardiac arrest.
- Shopping Malls- Shopping malls are known to have a large population of people in the mall during hours of operation which can increase the likelihood of someone going into cardiac arrest. Since there is a large amount of square footage that shopping malls usually consist of and there is a large number of people in the mall, it is a good idea to have multiple AEDs located throughout the mall. A cardiac emergency can happen anywhere in the mall so it is important to have AEDs spread all over the facility.
- Grocery Stores- Going to the grocery store is absolutely necessary for survival because we all need provisions in order to eat and live. Since everyone needs to go to the store that means there is a wide variety of different age groups of people who might have pre-existing heart conditions that can cause cardiac arrest at any time.
- Local Transits- Local transits are constantly filled with people trying to get where they need to be. Having an AED on board public transits can not only potentially save passengers but can save someone who happens to be having cardiac issues on the transit route.
Some Questions to consider before placing your AED
- Are there any high risks within your facility?
- Where is the highest concentration of people?
- How secure is your facility?
- Is your AED going to be placed in an AED cabinet and will it be alarmed?
- Where is the central point of your facility?
- Where is the nearest phone?
Once you have answered all these questions, you should have a better idea of where you are going to place your AED. Some other things to consider when placing your AED within your facility:
- AEDs should be visible to anyone.
- AED cabinets can deter theft and aid in making the AED visible.
- AED should never be locked away making it impossible for anyone to access.
- AEDs should be close to a phone so someone can call 911.
What is an AED and why is it Important?
The Importance of Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
7 Places You Visit Daily That Should Be AED Locations (but might not be)
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