Preparing for Allergy Season

It is finally that time of the year where spring arrives the only downside is allergies. Those with seasonal allergies will usually start to see symptoms in early March which then can last until the end of May. If you are one of those people who suffer with seasonal allergies then it is important to start preparing for allergies season as soon as possible. The first type of pollen we typically start to see is tree pollen which starts in the early weeks of February. In the later part of the season we start to see grass pollen which combined with tree pollen usually means a miserable time for anyone who suffers from allergies.

Allergies typically occur when your immune system produces antibodies in reaction to being exposed to harmless allergens. The immune system mistakes those allergens as a dangerous substance which then causes your immune system to attempt to fight them off using immunoglobulin E. These produce histamine which is what can typically cause the allergic reaction and symptoms.

Reactions can vary from person to person but seasonal allergies are usually accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, or headaches. Below are some tips to keep in mind to help you better prepare for allergy season.

  • Start treatment early especially if you know you get allergies every year, that way you can get a headstart before your symptoms become unmanageable and start to interfere with your daily life.
  • See an Allergist before you start experiencing symptoms so they can help you properly prepare before the peak of allergy season.
  • Shut out the pollen as much as possible. This can be done by keeping the windows and doors of your home closed during the height of allergy season.
  • Mold-proof your home because mold can cause your allergy symptoms to go into overdrive making the whole experience even worse.
  • Track Allergen levels using resources found on different websites and check if they offer daily pollen and mold count reports.
  • Change your air filters before and after allergy season.
  • Try nasal irrigation to help relieve any sinus congestion you may be experiencing.
  • Try acupuncture! A study published in the European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found a reduction in symptoms for patients who received acupuncture treatment at least three times a week.
  • Eat allergy-fighting foods including apples, pineapples, and fatty fish. Stocking up on anti-inflammatory foods can help your body.
  • Refrences:
    Common Seasonal Allergy Triggers
    Seasonal allergies: Nip them in the bud
    How to Prepare for Spring Allergies Now
    7 Ways to Prepare for Spring Allergies
    Tips to Prepare for Allergy Season Now
    3 tips to prepare for allergy season

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